Illuminating Experiment
Daytime Arrangement
Updated 2016-05-26
You may find that the  remainder of your space is luxuriously spacious and more than meets your needs.
Here's a suggestion for an experiment you can conduct for a limited time to appreciate more clearly just how little space you really need.
Starting from a corner of your current space (or a window alcove as pictured) see how compactly you can arrange the basics of living space:
  • Chair or sofa
  • Table
  • Bed
  • Minimal storage
    As you use up vertical space move out of the corner (or alcove). Use your most functional furniture first.
    Actually try living with this new arrangement for a limited time, say a week or a month.
    Base your future furniture acquisitions (scrounge, make or buy) on this new-found knowledge.
    Nighttime Arrangement