Dr. J Edward Anderson is considered the Father of PRT
​(Personal Rapid Transit).
Updated 2021-06-28

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It is a great honor to post a PDF of Dr. Anderson's "Our Faustian Bargain" so that it is accessible to all.

     Here is the first paragraph as teaser text:

Have We Unwittingly made a Faustian Bargain?
This is an account of events that have led to our ever-growing climate crisis. Young
people wonder if they have a future. How is it that climate scientists discuss such an
outcome of advancements in technology and the comforts associated with them? This is
about the consequences of the use of coal, oil, and gas for fuel as well as about the
science that has enlightened us. These fuels drive heat engines that provide motive
power and electricity to run our civilization, which has thus far been to the benefit of all of
us. Is there a cost looming ahead? If so, how might we avoid that cost?​

Here is a 1996 article​​ by Dr. Anderon entitled "Some Lessons from the History of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)": http://staff.washington.edu/jbs/itrans/history.htm

            And here is the final paragraph:

Now, the possible consequence is much worse and involves every country on Earth, this time all 
together. The current situation is also the result of technological development, in this case advancing slowly over a period of more than 24 decades and, notwithstanding warnings, has
seemed by most folks to be to the benefit of everyone. In the past few decades, the consequences of temperature rise have become sufficient to worry many people, but not yet enough to make the necessary changes. Most folks, it seems, are either unaware of possible consequences or inhibited from talking about a dire situation. Yet, if we as an entire civilization do not act significantly very soon, we will be doomed to pay the terrible price of our Faustian Bargain.


The article is now also available on this other website.​